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living with herpes is sad...
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September 25, 2009
Posts: 7

PostPosted:     Post subject: living with herpes is sad...
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i feel that since i have herpes it is harder for me to find happiness with someone... i lost all me friends when they found out i had herpes... and it seems like no man wants to be with me... all i want is someone to love me for me!!! heroes doesnt change who i am as a person... its just a little bumo in the road... and i really wanna talk to people that are going through the same thing i am... i need some support as do all of us im sure...

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Having H has made things harder for me too.

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December 16, 2009
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`it has made it harder for me as well and if your friends were your friends they would have stuck by you no matter what! so just shows they were not true! i have had this for 9 years and never lost a friend and i have never passed it on either! it will get better in time and a man will except you, you just have to be patient! good luck to you and your search!

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December 21, 2009
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`yea i truly agree with u all! I have been living with Herpes since 18teen and I'm 25 turning 26 in January 2010. I remember the first time I told my best friend and he didnt believe me and if Im not mistaken i think he still dont. But regardless, if someone is your true friend simplylauren they wont just desert u! Im sorry to hear that that has happen to you. Its very tough now for me to find someone due to the fact i have herpes. People tend to be so harsh on people when it comes to any type of news like this. But being in church, living for God, and living a saved life. I know god will bless me when he see's the time right! We must not lean to our own understandings and just trust God enough to know that he will intercede for us no matter what the problem is! well everyone I hope yall keep your heads up and keep on living! God bless

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I've had herpes since 1983. I've had success with women without it. There is hope. My problem is meeting an honest woman...do they exist?

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Since ive had it i was first with my ex bf i thought i couldnt leave him so i stayed with him after only to find out he is a bisexual!! On the dl....so to me i felt that God made a way for me to see what i truly want out of life...I want to live for myself n for some1 who can accept me for who i am...Since then i dont have it in myself to tell any n everybody...i almost feel that the only one who needs to know are the ones who want to have S-- or be in a relationship with me....I tried to make a friend first n then tell them but my first time telling a man he just told me he was dissappoint i wasnt careful...n told me i was selfish for not saying it in the beginning...Yea that coming from sum1 who dont have it...I dont believe any of us did anything to deserve this n no matter how careful we are it just happens to the best of us...Now that im single i have alot of old buddies that want to have S-- but i dont know when or how i should tell sum1...def before i decide to have S-- but its so nerver racking wondering wat he would say if i told...we need to have a dating group in our cities for ppl like us it would make things alot easier

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February 4, 2010
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`I never lost any of my good friends that I had before my herpes but I have been rejected twice because of my herpes. It is hard sometimes but it helps me to live for myself more and less for men. It makes me think differently about everything I ever wanted in life. Now I can't trust men because the one guy who gave it to me didn't even tell me he had it so he could pleasure himself and still denies it to this day that it was him. I can't turn back time and it just sucks but I'm trying to move forward, making the best of what I can. I am just happy that I have supportive friends and family to be here for me. Nobody deserves to get herpes but nobody deserves to be ignored just because of something they have either. One day we'll find our knight in shining armor! But for now we just have to be happy with ourselves in order for another man to love us. I've also learned that making a bigger deal out of having herpes will make it harder on the significant other because they'll assume it's worse than it is then.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Yeah I agree with everyone that you had s---ty friends. The one good thing about having HSV is that it gives you the power to weed out all of the ignorant, intolerant people in your life for good. I've talked with all of my close friends about the possibility of me having it from time to time, just to gauge their reaction, and they were all supportive. But me, personally, I don't think it's anyone's business except the person you're seeing. Then again, HSV isn't really an issue to me anymore (aside from the difficulty of finding someone), and I don't need consolation from any of my friends. But if I did, I know they wouldn't run off and call me a freak for it.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I was diagnosed with H when I was 20, and I had been with my boyfriend for 2 years at the time. He told me that he didn't know he had it and that he didn't cheat on me. 3 yrs later, I have found out that he has been cheating on me with many different girls...I know that I should be treated better b/c I am a good woman with a lot going on for myself.....but I believe that I'm staying with him out of fear. I also feel like no other man would want me and that I will always be alone. DOn't get me wrong, I love him but I hate what he has done to me! I really feel trapped....

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Posted:     Post subject:

`You shouldn't feel trapped. I was that way, too, with my ex; he's the one that gave me the big H. But I got over it when I realized what a loser he was, and how much happier I'd be alone than I was with him. It was super scary, but... at least there are options. Having an STD doesn't have to ruin your chances of ever having a relationship again. :)

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I agree with the others on this post about friendships, if they do not except you for you, then F_ ck them. I have had Herpies for over ten years and after a while you learn to live with it and move on. I am a man who has been bless to have a few relationships with ladies that did not have it, and it ended because of other differences, so you don't have to be trapped. There are understanding people out here who will accept you and what you have. I even know a lady who is married and she has HIV, so it can happen with a little patience, and blessings for GOD. Thanks for sites like these now.

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June 18, 2010
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`Everyone is right. I've only had herpes for two years now. The first friend to find out about it was my best friend because I thought I could trust her and I didn't know what to do. I needed someone to take me to the doctor to get checked and once I realized I have this STD she turned her back on me and told other people that I know. You must be careful with who you tell this personal information. On a good note, I have had a loving boyfriend for abotu 9 months now. He knows I have herpes and he is STD free. I thank God for him in my life because he gave me hope for happiness not too long after I was diagnosed with herpes. He never judged me once and when I told him I had this, he told me he still wanted to be in a relationship with me and se---lly. It just goes to show you that there are still good people in this world.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Unless you are someone that I have an interest in, looking to develop a relationship with, then its no ones business whats going on in H-Town! I see that as a common problem with people who have HSV 2. Since its not HSV-1, which visvisible, why tell anyone beside a potential mate. Cause the danger in that is everyone will know your biz! I have had HSV-2 since 1998. Since then i've had two long relationships, the last one was a marriage that I am no longer in. And no they did not have H. Yes its hard when people don't want to deal with what they don't understand. Since my divorce, there have been 2 relationships with ladies who had HSV-2, and it was nothing but drama. Cause I have done the research and know that stress will cause and outbreak very easy, they had to go. The grass is not greener on the other side, cause people are people. On some of these sites people are still pervs and thats a shame. But I say to you keep your heads up cause your mr. right for you will come.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Ive had Herpes since I was 16, and if their is anything I learned on my own, its that no one truly understands or knows how to even try to make one feel better unless they have it too. My herpes is all over my body and it is ruining my skin, looks like I was seriously attacked by cigs, but I still move on and keep my head up. All ive been able to find is acquaintances, considering the looks of fear and judgement, I think I know why. Keep your heads up and fight to maintain your self esteem and your will to fight strong, for the fight is long and and their isnt much help along the way.

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September 8, 2010
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`I was recently diagnosed. My boyfriend of the last almost year gave it to me. I found out recently that he's probably had it for a good number of years. But he lies about it. And he's unsafe with women. I wore protection with him and he hid his condition from me, would avoid me for weeks at a time. At the end of one of these periods he starts coming onto me and we wore protection, but he was just ending an outbreak and he passed it on to me. I'm still trying to grasp the seriousness of my situation. I'm really bummed and down on myself right now. I'm trying to tell myself that when the time is right, I will find someone new and he will love me the way I am and accept me.

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